A.] My community is a great place to live it has gyms, churches, and stores. When people get sick they help each other. When they get hurt somebody take their place on the job. When people get sick they go to the hostipital and it is free. Thats how my community goes.
Planning is a broad area of work that requires many different skills. Some planners specialise in a particular area of work, such as protecting the historical environment or urban design, while others work across a variety of areas. In general, key planning activities include:
- developing creative and original planning solutions to satisfy all parties;
- consulting with stakeholders and other interested parties and negotiating with developers and other professionals, such as surveyors and architects;
- assessing planning applications and enforcing and monitoring outcomes as necessary;
- researching and designing planning policies to guide development;
- researching and analysing data to help inform strategic developments, such as increases in affordable housing provision;
- designing layouts and drafting design statements;
- using information technology systems such as CAD (computer-aided design) or GIS (geographical information systems);
- attending and presenting at planning boards and appeals and at public inquiries;
- keeping up to date with legislation associated with land use;
- promoting environmental education and awareness;
- helping disadvantaged groups express their opinions about planning issues and proposals, and visiting sites to assess the effects of proposals on people or the environment;
- scheduling available resources to meet planning targets;
C.] I think it means that each thing about the place has a purpose